The G20 on Digitalization and Research will take place in Trieste on 5 and 6 August. Minister of Economic Development Giancarlo Giorgetti and Minister of Technological Innovation and Digital Transition Vittorio Colao will chair the sessions on the 5th, while Minister of University and Research Maria Cristina Messa will chair the meeting on 6 August.
July 28th, 2021
The G20 on Digitalization and Research will take place in Trieste on 5 and 6 August. Minister of Economic Development Giancarlo Giorgetti and Minister of Technological Innovation and Digital Transition Vittorio Colao will chair the sessions on the 5th. Anna Ascani, Undersecretary of State of Economic Development, will chair a session on Society in the Digital Economy. Minister of University and Research Maria Cristina Messa will chair the meeting on 6 August.
The ministerial meetings will be held at the Congress Center where, at the end of the working sessions, three press points are scheduled: at 13.00 with Minister Giorgetti and at 16.30 with Minister Colao on 5August; at 12.30 with minister Messa on 6 August.
Journalists, photographers and cameramen interested in physically attending might request the accreditation by 18.00 pm on 3 August 2021 via the link or through the “Accreditation” section of the G20 website.
The Media Center will be located at the Trieste Convention Center (viale Miramare 24/2) and will be open from 8.00 to 18.30 on 5 August and from 8.30 to 16.30 on 6 August. Media representatives accessing the Media Centre are required to show a negative rapid antigen test, carried out within 48 hours prior to entry. The badge can be collected at the Press Accreditation Desk at the Savoia Excelsior Palace di Trieste, in Riva del Mandracchio 4, on the following days: Tuesday 3 August from 9 to 18, Wednesday 4 from 9 to 20, Thursday 5 from 8 to 20 and Friday 6 from 8 to 15.
The images and official videos of the ministerial meetings will also be made available on the G20 website.
For any requests or information, you can write or call the Press Offices of the Ministries at the following contacts:
Ministry of Technological Innovation and Digital Transition
Ministry of Economic Development
Phone: +3906420434337
Ministry of University and Research
Phone: +390658492635 or +390658492637