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G20 Sherpa Pietro Benassi outlines the Presidency’s priorities

The agenda will rest upon three pillars: People, Planet, Prosperity. We need to take care of humanity, and of the planet, through an integrated approach, able to ensure a strong economic recovery that is inclusive, resilient and sustainable.

December 1st, 2020

G20 Sherpa Pietro Benassi outlines the Presidency’s priorities

2021 will be a pivotal year, in which the international community will need to show courage and ambition to overcome the challenges of this critical moment: from the pandemic to climate change, from support to innovation to international trade. Our presidency will continue to promote the concept of health as a global public good and to maintain a high level of international commitment in the response to Covid-19 and in the strengthening of health systems. With this in mind, we also need to look ahead – and beyond the pandemic – to the multiple global issues that need to be addressed, urgently and responsibly. And with the moral obligation to keep future generations in mind.

Our G20 program will rest upon three key priorities: People, Planet, Prosperity. This aims to convey a clear message. We need to take care of humanity, and of the planet, through an integrated approach, able to ensure a strong economic recovery that is inclusive, resilient and sustainable.

The first pillar, People, recognizes that policies will need to be people-centered. This means tackling poverty and inequality with determination, creating conditions conducive to protecting those who are most vulnerable and promoting women’s empowerment. We should pursue these aims within countries, with a focus on the youth and precarious workers, and across different geographical areas.

In the second pillar, Planet, we will be called upon to renew our ambition and our commitments to improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions, safeguard the environment and protect biodiversity. This implies relentless international coordination, but also comprehensive efforts at national level, with the involvement of public administrations, research institutions, the private sector and civil society.

In the third pillar, Prosperity, we will focus on the challenges posed by the technological revolution. Digitization creates wealth, but it has long been a source of insecurity and inequality as well. We must transform it into “an opportunity for everyone”, including by striving to overcome the digital divide.

The Italian Presidency will work with commitment and determination to make globalization a driving force for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Keeping in mind that the global recovery cannot – and must not – be just a matter of GDP, but rather a path towards the well-being of all citizens. We will pursue this goal by focusing on our capacity for dialogue and our determination to identify, amidst complex negotiations, innovative solutions to achieve our key objectives. We face a significant challenge, which we aim, nonetheless, to address with the enthusiasm it deserves: the steps we take today will resonate in the future of our planet.

Ambassador Pietro Benassi
G20 Sherpa

*excerpt from an article published by Formiche magazine