In his presentation video, the President stressed that Italy will work intensely, in 2021, to provide responses to the global challenges ahead of us and hand our children a better planet.
December 1st, 2020
The Italian G20 Presidency has, officially, just begun. Italy stands ready for the intense year ahead of us. It is our common responsibility to address the important global challenges we are facing. And to build – today – the world of tomorrow, in order to hand our children a better Planet.
Italy will live up to the challenge, building on its firm commitment and on its ability for open and constructive dialogue. We will also share our country’s beauty, its history, and its ability to look ahead and plan for the future. We will do this while working together to overcome the terrible pandemic that is causing so much suffering around the world. We will lay the foundations, through shared tools and actions, for a just and equitable economic recovery, able to combat old and new inequalities. We will place women’s empowerment at the center of our action. We will facilitate the adoption of policies aimed at accelerating the energy transition and firmly address climate change, to leave a greener and more sustainable world to those who will come after us.
We will strengthen our collaboration in order to draw from the immense opportunities made possible by digitalization and make them accessible to all. We will unite our efforts to strengthen the international trading system, in line with the principles of transparency and inclusivity. We will do all of this with a spirit of inclusion and broad participation, by also involving the civil society.
People – Planet – Prosperity. These are the three pillars of the Italian G20 Presidency. The three North Stars that will guide us to the Leaders’ Summit which we will host in Rome on October thirty and thirty-first. Here, in the Eternal City, Italy’s Capital, we will reap the benefits of our common efforts.